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Apply for Jobs and the Job Alert System
Once you are registered, you can apply for all job openings on the New Jersey Housekeepers Web site with one single click. You can also set up job alerts. Job alerts notify you when new jobs are posted in your area. It's a simple 2 step process...
  1. complete the on-line registeration (see below)
  2. apply for childcare and housekeeping job openings with one click
* - Required Field
Step 1a: Enter User ID & Password
User ID: * A-Z and 0-9 only
Password: * A-Z and 0-9 only
Re-enter Password: *
Step 1b: Enter Contact Information
First Name: *
Last Name: *
E-mail: *
Re-enter E-mail: *
Phone: *
  Format: nnn-nnn-nnnn
Re-enter Phone: *
Address: *
City: *
State: *
Province: *
Zip Code: *
Country: *
Birth Date: * mm/dd/yyyy
Web Site:
Found: *
Step 1c: Enter Information About The Job You Are Seeking
Job Type: *
Position Type: *
Job Experience
(in Selected Job Type):
Job Experience with Twins/Multiples: *
Job Experience with Special Needs: *
Career Objective: *
Career Summary:
Keep brief;
it's more effective
Level of Education: *
Are you CPR certified? *
Are you trained in first aid? *
Primary Language: *
Secondary Language:
Open To Relocating: *
Do you smoke? *
Comfortable with pets? *
Will you perform light housekeeping? *
Will you do laundry? *
Will you prepare
Will you run errands? *
Legal to work in US?: *
Drivers License (US): *
Step 1d: New Jersey Housekeepers Job Alerts
Receive an e-mail alert when a new job is posted in the following areas:

* Receive North NJ Job Alerts
* Receive Central NJ Job Alerts
* Receive South NJ & Philly Job Alerts
* Receive New York City & NY Job Alerts
Step 1d: New Jersey Housekeepers Features
* I would like employers to view my resume.
Step 1e: Terms and Conditions
* I accept and understand the terms and conditions of this site.  [ View Terms and Conditions ]

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the Best NJ Housekeepers
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